JUNE – Nymphs

JUN 30 – Another Caput Fluidum Picture I had checked the stems, but no nymphs. About one hour later I checked again…and found this. I managed to get a nice photo of the very noticeable watery bump on the top of the head – which I am calling Caput Fluidum. JUN 29 – Nymph Nibbling vs Drinking The nymph that emerged on Jun 28 was filmed either eating stem matter or drinking spritzed water. JUN 28 – Newly Emerged Grooming This little nymph is less than 2 hours old and is already an expert groomer! JUN 27 – An Intervention That MAY Have Worked Since it had been three days since any nymphs emerged, and I really expected them to start spilling out by this point, I decided to scrape the surface of the stems to remove the dried matter over the holes. Even though I quickly dip each stem in warm water twice a day, I worry that the indoor humidity doesn’t keep the plugs moist enough for the nymphs to break through. The first photo shows a stem with the plugs still intact, and the second photo shows a section with the plugs scraped off. I scraped them on Monday evening, and Tuesday morning there were five nymphs!!! I will be posting different photos and videos the next few days, but here are two of them…..so cute! It may certainly have been a coincidence, and the scraping may have had nothing to do with so many nymphs emerging 10 hours later…but at least I have more nymphs! JUN 26 – Missing Eggs One of the stems I collected was developing white fungus looking specks, and no nymphs had emerged — so I opened it. Although there were about 20 oviposit marks on the stem, no eggs were found. … Continue reading JUNE – Nymphs